I was denied an FS/Poly with reason that I showed concern on two things, which I did not put on SF-86 but voluntarily told the polygraph-er. I passed the polygraph but was not granted the FS clearance. One of the objection in my SOR was that I did not dreport my previous marriage on SF-86, which happened 24 years ago, the second was that I did not mentioned the name change of my brother on SF-86 who had previously worked with a foreign intelligence for 6 months and then moved to UK and now was a UK resident. Again this information was 15 year old so I did not report it on SF-86. Now my question to you is that I have to fill SF-86C for an SCI , do I need to report these two issues as a change ?
It seems as though you answered your own question in your statement. Not everything on the SF-86 is limited to a 10 year reporting period, in fact there are many questions that exceed that timeframe. The items you mentioned should have been listed on your original paperwork.
The security just send me a part of SF-86 C, which is basically to list any changes from those reported on the original SF-86. These two points are not a change but were not listed on the original. If I list them now, wouldn’t this be a contradiction to the information on the oriiginal SF-86 I am really confused, can you please give me some clarity on this.
I know this is late but this is how i interpret this for anybody else coming along to read. You are saying the 2 points didn’t change…and in LIFE they have not. But since you are filling out a form that supersedes another form, the fact that the first form doesn’t have it, means the second form is a change. I think any adjudicator is going to look at the documents first, then your “explanation” of how its not really a change. As others have said…over share. over volunteer information. That wont hurt you as much (or even at all) as leaving information out that they have to find, and then come back to you for an explanation.