Hello, just wondering if you can help me out.
I have been dating a girl for almost two years now and we will both be juniors in college this fall semester. Yesterday I was doing research about the clearance and I came across a New York Times article titled “How to Pass a C.I.A Background Check.” The information in the article came from “deputy director of talent at the CIA,” seems like a legit source. The article said: “Keep your romantic interest American. ‘If you’re in love with a Russian citizen,’ Patrick says [deputy director of talent], ‘we cannot take that risk.’”
My girlfriend, her mother, and brother arrived in the US when she was little. Her and her mother obtained citizenship in 2011, properly following all legal proceedings. However, her and her mother still have dual citizenship and a Russian passport. Her brother served in the military. Her and her mother have US passports. Before obtaining US citizenship, she has never been outside of the country while having legal residency. After obtaining citizenship, she has visited family in Russia for the summer. She has no financial connection with Russia, and the only connections she has is occasional communication with her father via email.
When I apply for an internship at the CIA, and if I make it this far, will my relationship with her affect the security clearance?