Secret clearance with recent pbj

  • About to obtain a Secret clearance.
  • In 2022, I was charged with attempted rape and other misdemeanors. Due to a known relationship, she falsely accused me to protect her loyalty to her husband. The encounter was consensual and both parties were over 40 years old. The judge considered the situation and granted a PBJ (Probation Before Judgment) for the misdemeanor.
  • I passed the polygraph and am currently adhering to weekly counseling. In November, I will pursue a hearing to end my probation early.
  • Given that the incident was personal and resulted in a PBJ, do you think it is still possible to obtain a Secret clearance? I have had no other criminal wrongdoing in the last 20 years, except for one misdemeanor when I was 20.

Any advice would be welcomed.

It really would be up to the investigator, but your best bet is to be honest about the situation and what happened. I have seen people with past DUIs get a clearance and also people with a clearance keep it after legal trouble. Just don’t try to hide anything.

It’s going to be up to the adjudicator. Some factors are that your attempted rape charge is only 2 years old.

Like Obvious said, be forthcoming and honest about all the specifics…dates, who, what happened, why it happened, etc etc. Be prepared to give details.

Good luck

Understood. I will be fully transparent and upfront to BI.

The first interview went well, and the DARPA contracting company is now asking prescreening questions. I responded by disclosing the arrest, charges, and outcome, along with the PBJ and my rehabilitation efforts, which include the PBJ, passing a polygraph, a favorable psychosexual report, and counseling. Let’s see how it goes with the DoD. Since DARPA is under the Department of Defense, I believe they will request a CAC ID, which I had when I worked at the Department of Commerce.

Feel free to ask if you have any comments on it!