After years on the job it seems more tedious, supervisors have no competency and only care about themselves to get ahead. All the hard work I put in for this job is never appreciated (I.E. adding numerous items to various cases).
For those that left, has it been greener on the other side and are you much happier?
I read a few responses of how others are happier and it’s like opening christmas gifts for me. I feel burnt out and hopeless.
Mad that I stayed so long. Left in June 2020, after 23 years. Now feel appreciated and enjoy my work. Feedback is appropriate and not just a reviewer asking for non adjudicative information. Can’t believe I actually thought it was going to get better.
I was a full time BI for almost 3 years before getting out and getting into the IT/Cybersecurity field, best decision I ever made as it is a lot more money and a lot less stress.
With that said I do miss the field a little bit and I have been in the hiring pipeline as a contract investigator for Omniplex so I won’t mind doing some field work here and there. If I could go back to 2018 and do the job as a full timer again I definitely would as the TDY opportunities I had were pretty awesome and work was plentiful
I work in network ops for DoD Contractor, most of my day to day is just dealing with general networking and IT stuff and providing support to users when they need help. So far it’s been pretty great and by May I’ll be finished with a degree in Cybersecurity and Information Assurance
I’ve seen many of my former BI friends move on into state agency investigations, Insurance investigations, security investigator/FSO for DOE contractors positions, even unrelated federal jobs.
The economy is tough this last year. Don’t lose hope.
The grass is MUCH greener outside of the BI world. Regardless of what you go into, chances are it’s a better quality of life. Things are tough right now but don’t lose hope; it took me YEARS of monitoring 3-4 different job search boards (Glassdoor, Indeed, LinkedIn and so on), and applying to countless positions before I was able to get out.
And it was worth every moment of effort. I do miss certain aspects of the job, like being on the road and working with other BI’s on a case for instance, but overall, and I’ve said this before, it feels like getting out of an abusive relationship.
Secondly…I could not possibly agree more with everything you stated. I had a similar experience as I’m sure many have. I worked as a BI for 3 years and got out in early 2018, and only after tons of searching and patience.
I developed friendships with several of the people I went through NIT with and still keep up with one or two of them, but all in all…getting out of that BI world was the best decision I have ever made. Far better for my mental health, my marriage, you name it and it has improved for me since.
And I wish the same for anyone trying to exit that line of work/specific position. Hang in there!
After 18 years in the industry, I am finally out and could not be happier. It really does feel that I have been in an abusive relationship. Its a real shame because the BI industry now, is not what it was when I started. I started with USIS as a SPINNER (written affidavits), and eventually into NIT and AIT. The job was great. Driving to the office a couple times a week and having coffee with my boss. Doing a PRSI and EMPL, having lunch, working a RESI and LAWE and typing on a Friday. I remember a specific conversation with a supervisor saying that the only metric that he cared about was Developed Issues. That is what the job should be, developing issues, not interviewing and reporting as many testimony’s as possible. Unfortunately, after the fall of USIS, the industry went to hell and quality interviewing was replaced with following interviewing scripts and fixing nonsensical RZ’s. Covid was a perfect excuse for executives to push their government customers for more telephone interviews. The final straw for me was being told to conduct a full initial SSBI with major FINL and FRGN issues over the phone and fax to review a passport. I refused and was told start looking for other employment. The grass is greener, just not in this industry. Anyone looking to start in this field, run! Anyone stuck in this field, remember that you do have transferable skills and look outside the box.
Good luck.
I am in the same boat as everyone, it seems, looking for a way out of the sinking ship. I am curious if anyone has gone from BI to intelligence analyst? I have a screening interview tomorrow. I will learn if it sounds like a good fit…I’m ready for a new challenge but not the same level of pressure. Thoughts from anyone in the know would be greatly appreciated.
While I don’t have any specific job/career advice, I would encourage you to find another job doing anything.
There is a much greater chance of you developing a worthwhile career starting as a clerk somewhere than as a contractor BI.
Work hard, be conscientious, be nice, and opportunities and doors will open for you. And any job you find yourself in will no doubt be a whole lot less flesh-eating and more lucrative than the BI job. That was probably true even a decade ago.
Most people I’ve known who’ve worked the contractor BI job have a generous pension and savings to fall back on. For me the FT contractor BI job made so little compared to my overall income that it pretty much felt like a volunteer activity. I can’t even imagine working it as a means of primary support. Scary and depressing thought.
The stressful BI world left me in Oct. 2019 when DOD began its major takeover and began more hiring federal agents, and left us the scraps. Held on, making as much as a good babysitter might make in a month, for over a year. Sent back 3 of 4 major creds last month. The charade was over; needed to emotionally so I could really start pursuing something more REAL.
Happy to say, returned to my publishing roots, and am now publishing/editing a new all-digital magazine, Tropics Lifestyle, The shell website draft is up but magazine won’t be done/published until September (6 issues a year). It provides inspiration for those who enjoy creating a tropical/coastal home oasis (and mindset) anywhere on Earth. Someone like me; here in Texas. Topics: Home decor, design tips, books, art, Jimmy Buffett, recipes.
As you can tell, I’m ready for something without RZs and will love me back.
I hope you all find what you are searching for, too.
When we saw the beginning of the end of the private sector BI business— at least several years ago by now— I recall thinking at that time that the best route for any private sector BI looking for a career change would be sales. Many of skills developed as a BI— certainly the people skills and confidence gained— would lend themselves perfectly to sales. And sales is a job in a field that’s always in demand and sky’s the limit in terms of earnings.
Billionaire entrepreneur Mark Cuban, who believes good sales people are invaluable, says:
“I don’t remember who told me that selling was a job for a lifetime, but they were right… If you don’t have a job, or don’t have the job you want, get a job in sales. Every single person on this planet can learn to be a great sales person. All you have to do is put in the effort and care about your company, your prospects and customers.”*
*(Mark Cuban, How to Win at the Sport of Business, [New York: Diversion Books, 2011])