Timeline 2024 Thread

I haven’t talked to an investigator in quite a few years, so if they are resuing it and you were already found suitable then it makes sense.

yeah not to mention that recruiters cant answer security-related questions and there is no way to ask questions directly to the security personnel…

At least with going through clearance at a private company, they can have the FSO look in DISS to pull up my information to see the updates to my file. With [MD Agency] I dont even get that luxury

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Update: One of my contacts was reached out to today from presumedly the Non-Steroidal Antiinflammatory drug company so I guess they are actually redoing a background investigation. Guess I still have some time to wait D:


Well, at least you know the path its going in now. My recruiter followed up with me last week to tell me no news on her end about my status. Nothing like seeing that email address pop up and get excited, only to be like oh ok.


How long after your references were contacted did you find out you were put in adjudication? I have had 3 of my references contacted within the last two days so it seems they are doing the investigation portion. As far as I know, this is all that is left to be done as I have done the poly, have fingerprints on file, psych, etc. I was expecting to already be in adjudication but it seems I am still undergoing security processing.

Were you told that you were in adjudication? My background investigator said he submitted my report (April) and the polygrapher submitted his report in July. Besides that, I know nothing.

Nope, I never even got info from my investigator about report submission. I’m assuming at this point, but I’m completely in the dark.

Ugh! The whole process is frustrating.

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Being an NSA recruiter has to be the easiest job in the world lol. No follow ups, no information to provide, no status updates. Nada. Like…what do you do besides send initial CJO’s to folks?

haha. It’s been over a month since they said they were reaching out for an update, At least email me back and say there is no update.

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Been said many times on here but I suppose it bears repeating: when it comes to the clearance process, usually, no news is good news.


Probably lots of status reports for the boss and any number of status meetings to provide updates to the boss that nothing is moving forward.

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I am a bit curious if you or the other fellows in a similar boat have any input on the investigation part specifically. I am not sure if anyone else has done the investigation after the poly/psych portions, but if they have, could they describe what the process was like? I have had 3 contacts contacted so far to answer the usual “is this guy legit” questions. Not sure what they’re doing since I have already done the poly so I doubt I will be sat down with an investigator again to review my forms (did that during the poly).

You ever see one of these cop shows where they ask someone what happened and the person says “I just told that other officer over there” and they say “we’d like you to tell us too” Ever seen that?

Probably the same thing with the investigator doing your background check :slight_smile:

Everything for me seems to have been wrapped up by the time I got to poly. But really, I’ve heard of the process going in many different orders and its just dependent on timing.



Applied: Feb 23
Interview: March 23
CJO: April/May 23
Completed SF-86: May 23
Credit Pulled: May 23
Investigator asks for more info: March 24
Meeting with SA to discuss SF-86: May 24

Complete silence since then. Already have a TS/SCI with a CI poly and in the IC. This whole process is dog water. For those that have extensive travel and/or foreign contacts, be prepared to wait over 2 years. For those that don’t, you will clear suitability in less than a year and will have follow up appointments shortly after.

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@RandomMan any updates on ur end? I wish there was a DM functionality :joy:

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Nope, nothing my dude. My last contact with the recruiter was at the end of August saying no news. Passed my seemingly last hurdle (poly) the first week of August. Been done (I assume) with background investigation since May.

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x_x I am gonna reach out to my recruiter in like 2 weeks if I dont hear anything new by then. Gonna shift into a “1 email per month” just to see if by chance I get even a crumb above no update. I have a few planned foreign travels I relayed to my recruiter (prob end of Oct/early Nov then another late Dec/early Jan) so this will prob cause me more delay once I relay the information when I make the plans.

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Hey all, I’ve been keeping an eye on this page for the past 4 months in hopes of seeing any news of progress. Alas not much which I guess is good in my case. I currently have a DOD and DOS secret applied to a new position within the IC which requires a TS/SCI. Roughly here’s my progress:

Applied in December 2023

Interviewed later that month and got my CJO

Filled out my SF86 in January revisions and finally accepted in February 24.

Poly/physical/mental assessment in April/may 24

Background investigation started in may and concluded early June 24.

Now I’ve been in limbo waiting on my clearance.

Only thing that could be any reason for worry is I had a lot of overseas travel with the USG both with DOD and DOS as well as a few grand in debt that I’m currently having trouble paying off due to loss of a job (both due to contracts ending and lay offs) it’s not an absurd amount but enough to where I can’t seem to chip away at atm.

I’m worried that the debt will not allow me to be granted my clearance but if I am granted I’ll be able to start a new job, sell the house, and move. Which would allow me to have everything taken care of.