TS/SCI Investigation OCONUS

Good Morning Everyone.

So, I think the title is self explainatory. I am currently a contractor OCONUS working out of Germany in Cyber. I was adjudicated for my Secret in May 2021 and I submitted my SF86 for a TS back in September and was granted interim TS in October. So far, the investigators only appear to be talking to people stateside and not doing anything with any references/ contacts that are OCONUS. This is kind of an issue because I’ve been OCONUS since mid 2021. Can someone explain how adjudications work with people that are OCONUS and how they’re going to do the interview?

Security clearance is being done by DCSA. I’m on a base in Germany. All OCONUS references are on various bases as well

Many years ago Army CI would do background investigations on post, at least for military personnel, and I think they only spoke to Americans, not locals. But that stopped some time back I’m sure. This is for background investigations, not CI investigations which are a different matter.

Are there any DCSA personnel stationed overseas?

That, I’m not sure of. I know of 3 people they’ve talked to, and they’re all Stateside. All 3 have TS/SCIs and are in intel. They all say it’s been awhile since DCSA contacted them. No one else has heard from the investigators, so I’m not sure if they’re done with the interviews or not. I’ve yet to be contacted for the in person interview. I was adjudicated for my secret in May 2022 and put into CE. I was also investigated by CBP for global entry last year. I’m not worried as I don’t have major red flags (anything that is a flag occurred 10+ years ago) with no follow up flags. I’m just trying to figure out the process as I find it fascinating.