Timeline 2024 Thread

My cf is office management and infrastructure. Hopefully we’ll both get a FJO soon.

Nice to see someone else in a similar position. Same agency. Here is my timeline:

12/4/23 - Applied
12/20/23 - Interviewed
1/5/24 - Submitted various forms (SF-144, OF0306, P2771) and transcripts.
1/8/24 - CJO and SF-86 submitted
2/26/24 - SF-86 approved
2/27/24 - Credit pulled
4/25/24 - Received a call from background investigator for an interview

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OMI is mine also. Fingers crossed!! I have started looking into contractors and have talked to some to keep my options open but northing has panned out so far. I still want my original position with the DIA that I interviewed for.

This is great to hear! Sounds like we’re near the same position in the process, you just got a bit of a head start on the application.

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Had security interview on 4/29. Was quick, about 45 minutes. Real chill and not stressful at all.

Got word from my references that they were contacted this morning and my investigator called to confirm a few more details before sending to adjudication.

Hoping to hear sometime soon when I will be scheduled for poly/psych exam/etc.

400 days! :upside_down_face: (DoD Secret)

400 days for DoD T3? What area of the US are you residing?

4 corners; I’ve been in and out of adjudication since mid-September. Sadly this isn’t my first rodeo with a long wait either, but my job is graciously keeping me on without clearance.

Sure was. Nothing I can do. Really though acing the poly was going to put me in a good spot.

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Sadly it was a suitability determination, so I can’t appeal it. I have no idea what I did wrong-was really invested in the opportunity, so it stings lol. Back to square one in my job search… :smiling_face_with_tear:


How do you know once you have moved on to adjudication? I have no one to contact to ask questions regarding my status. I’m going for TS/SCI, SF-86 submitted in September, poly and interviews done.


• August 2023 - applied/ interview/ CJO/ e-QIP

• September 2023 - approved interim secret (I already had this from previous job/ still valid but inactive).

• November 2023 - background in person interview/ notified investigation closed and moved to adjudication

• February 2024 - sent email to inquire, received response stating “…investigation is closed and in the adjudication process, still show this person to still have interim secret”

•Now waiting (I have dual citizenship - Europe, it might slow things down a bit)

Good Luck everyone!

I contacted my agency - the person I have been dealing with from the beginning - asking if there were any updates and they responded by forwarding me an email that stated my investigation was closed and in adjudication and it showed I still had an interim secret.
(For context: I came from another agency with T3 and now waiting on a T5).
Now we are back to waiting (this was February 8, 2024).
I will also post my timeline, on this thread.

Whom ever you were communicating with in the security office is who you reach out to. Or your FSO.

Context: Hired through a recruiting agency to work in a lab at a large government contractor. Need to obtain Secret Clearance for this job.

Potential Risk Factors

  • Infrequent recreational drug use before and during college, but nothing after the winter of 2021
  • One of my four housemates in college was from a country which is not generally on good terms with the USA, and we have exchanged messages on discord 2-3 times a year since they moved out. I listed this person on the e-QIP because I thought it was better to be up-front about it than for the government to think I was concealing a foreign associate. (I suspect that this is why the process has taken such a long time)


  • Late August 2023: Submitted e-QIP
  • Early September 2023: Denied interim clearance
  • Late September 2023: In-person interview with investigator. We basically went through the e-QIP in order and they asked some simple clarifying questions.
  • October 2023 through March 2024: Intermittent contact with recruiter, neither of us have received any updates, investigator informs me when contacted that their involvement was over when they submitted their paperwork and that they have no information about the status of my investigation.
  • Early April 2024: Recruiting agency contacts government (VRO?) to ask about the status of my investigation. Government confirms that my investigation is in the adjudication phase (it’s unclear when adjudication started, the government only said that it was in that phase at that point in time).

Current Status (~9 Months after e-QIP)
I’ve heard nothing since then. I hope the job I am obtaining this clearance for still exists once this process is done.

I’ve gotten the impression from reading things on this website that adjudication doesn’t provide any transparency until it is complete. Is this accurate? I ask because I don’t know if contacting anyone else to get an idea of my status would be helpful at this stage.

Yes that’s accurate. I’ve been in adjudication longer than you’ve been in the process



12/4/23 - Applied
12/20/23 - Interviewed
1/5/24 - Submitted various forms (SF-144, OF0306, P2771) and transcripts.
1/8/24 - CJO and SF-86 submitted
2/26/24 - SF-86 approved
2/27/24 - Credit pulled
4/29/24 - Security Interview
5/10/24 - Scheduled Psych Exam and Poly for June

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03/2023 - SF-86 Submitted
04/2023 - Security Interview with Investigator
07/2023 - CSR requesting interim Secret returned “no action”
Present - According to my FSO, the investigation is still open.

  • 2 behavioral health visits for anxiety in the last few years,
  • One instance of drug use 8 years ago, one time thing, nothing since
  • mother is naturalized citizen, refugee from Cuba from the 70’s, no ongoing foreign contacts or connections in Cuba.
  • 11 addresses, 2 degrees, and 5 jobs in 10 years lol. So a lot to go through I’m guessing

Just behind you again, updated timeline as of now

Jan 11 2024 - Applied to position
Feb 15 2024 - Interviewed
Apr 12 2024 - CJO and SF-86 submitted
Apr 24 2024 - Investigation started
May 15 2024 - Security Interview
May 16 2024 - Scheduled Poly/Psych for July


Nice! We are inching forward lol.