Contract rebid Summer 2022?

When is the actual award announcement? June? July? August? I can’t find anything further on it.

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At this point the request for proposals is over and nothing they companies do will impact the bid. If CACI is pushing to close cases to get paid, I would say it’s more a sign they will lose the contract bid.

That’s exactly what I was thinking. When GDIT went under they did the same thing of making a huge last push to get cases completed.

I second this. I was part of the GDIT RIF. Leadership push to transmit as many cases as possible. Not sure if true but I heard that the company has to pay penalties for any unfinished cases that has to go back to the government.

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As much as I hope it means CACI will lose, they make this same push every single year because the fiscal year is ending. Not sure it is related to the rebid.


Yup - FY End management bonuses (disguised as “business goals”) vs. National Security concerns (to complete older cases). Gotta love it!!!


So who’s going down? Anyone see any signs of their company being the ones getting the ax? Management changes etc?

Paragon gave up RB awhile back. Right after i noticed Caci recruiting for RB. Now its announced Paragon will get RB back…apparently from caci…may be an indicator of future intentions from caci. Thats all i know. I have applied elsewhere and have recruiters contacting me so its a juggle of waiting for the right time to jump or not to jump. It feels like 9/2014 and usis all over again.


I think I have been with every contractor that has lost the contract. Omni (way back in the day) USIS and GDIT. I think I may be the harbinger of lost contracts


Don’t leave us hanging…where are you now?


What does RB mean? I’m with Paragon and am a little nervous but I have some inside info that we should be okay. Looking more good than bad.

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I had one person from Peraton upper mgt tell me they will get contract 98% sure and another tell me probably caci going down. Also Peraton is on a hiring rampage for experienced people, more or less poaching employees currently working elsewhere. I was contacted by multiple people and offer letters are flying with incentive being they significantly raised wages. I didnt really care for them in the past but whatever. It seems like Investigators may finally be in the drivers seat. The work will be there no matter what.

So just a warning to all, I’m batting near 1000 for contract doom.
Honestly though I have no clue who is in,who is out. I thought ISN was good to go up to the end. I thought USIS would never get kicked off (although they did deserve to go ). In my opinion, Peraton would be deserving to go this time around just based on the lawsuit settlements.

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Keypo, er, Peraton, has struggled with mid level management chasing off senior investigators and abusing newly hired investigators since 2015. Peraton is not known as the premier provider in any manner. They have to have a “hiring rampage” to try and recoup the experienced investigators they lost over the last 7 years.

Want to bet if they get the contract, the level 5/6s will start getting the same pressure to “voluntarily” demote themselves or face constant harassment?

This is a company with a lot of good people but bad institutional practices.


The same could easily be said about CACI


The CACI investigators and team leaders (i only know two team leaders) seem much happier than the former Keypoint employees (full disclosure - i was one for less than two years after USIS).

The difference is the first line management.

I worked at Keypoint right when they went through the change from Kroll to Keypoint. They were good then. My management was awesome etc. That lasted maybe 2 years. Then started the slide to the crapper. I was an IC with them and I finally had it with my 4th liaison in 3 years. She had no background in this business she came from real estate or something, don’t recall. She was the worse contract liaison I had the displeasure in working for. Pretty sure she either quit or got fired a little bit after I left. I have never been more micromanaged and lied to and bullied. I remember getting into a heated argument about email that I sent her that she said I never sent which ended up holding up my pay for the cases I had been working on multiple times. If I recall, if one item was late or in Rz status , you would not get paid for anything that you submitted regardless of the other case status. Bunch of crap that came from upper management.That experience has left me hoping Keypoint , one day, would wind up like USIS.


Was it 1Force that you worked for?

I was at USIS 12 years (equip), then Keypoint 5 years (Records Tech), and now CACI (review). Keypoint was great when I first started. They had pretty good management all around. Even the CEO traveled to meet with employees to listen to any complaints we had and see what could be done to improve. Then about year 4 of my employment, that CEO and most of the good management was gone and replaced with some very nasty people. These individuals completely took the moral of the company downhill. One particular manager in the records department seemed to enjoy picking out people to bully and when turned into HR, they did nothing. Complaints went the whole way up to the unprofessional CEO, and his way of handling it was to tell us he didn’t want to hear any whining. I should also add we were micromanaged constantly. I got so sick of being treated like dirt, I resigned and went to CACI. While I personally think senior management at CACI isn’t the greatest because they make alot of dumb decisions, the first line management is probably the best I’ve ever had out of all three companies. My team leader is easy to talk to if I need something and as long as you get your work done, they leave you alone. Now our Sr Review Manager has told us she is confident CACI will get the contract because the company has been around for so long and she thinks the smallest company will lose out but that one of the bigger companies will absorb those employees.


When will the decision be made? Anyone have insight?