Timeline 2024 Thread

In currently 7.5 weeks into adjudication with an agency, and fearful the position I’m going for is going to be unavailable.

Hopefully you at least get through adjudication.

how did you become aware you were in adjudication?

It seems that some people are notified and others randomly find out that they were cleared or not.

During my trip to the agency for the poly/psych, I passed the poly and (probably) passed the psych eval, and was told I’d hear something in ‘6-8 weeks.’ My recruiter had reached out to make sure I submitted records from my therapist, and when I asked for an update was told I was ‘still in adjudication’.

I am not sure if I asked you this previously, and feel free not to answer. What job were you applying for? And was it at HQ?

Yeah I heard similar when I did the poly but my recruiter says that “we are still waiting to hear from the security team about your processing” so idrk what they’re doing lol

Hopefully you get some type of news soon.

@terps40 hiring ambassador reached out and I made sure to ask about the current status of hiring as far as he is aware – he said that on his end, hiring looks good and fine and that 5 people (including me) are in the pipeline and are still expected to join under his team/whatever organizational structure he maintains. Not sure how much this provides for you but at the very least it seems that there still are positions available.

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you guys have hiring ambassadors? I just have a recruiter who doesn’t even keep me in the loop lol.

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I went to an info session and a recruiter talked about hiring ambassadors. I talked to my recruiter after that and he said he would reach Out to my org. Sometime later, my team reached out to me and next thing you know the director is somehow my hiring ambassador because no one knew what the recruiters were talking about and decided that would be the best option (he wanted to be that link personally)

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Good to know, Gunner. I appreciate the info. Hopefully you get something soon!

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Only a recruiter for me.

I prefer not to say the job, but it was at HQ.

Too bad this site doesn’t allow PM’s lol. I am curious if it is the same job as I am in the process for.

I’m guessing it’s not the same, since I was told the job I was going for was no longer available.

Oh really? I am not at HQ though.

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Does anyone know who you would speak with at the NSA regarding your clearance? I was told by my recruiter that my clearance was restricted to the the NSA only, but I wanted to confirm this with someone else. Any insight is appreciated. Thanks!

restricted to NSA? I have read that it isn’t tied to an agency, and that you can transfer to another agency with it. Whether they accept the poly is up to reciprocation. But this is the first I’m hearing of the NSA owing your clearance.

Yea, it didn’t seem right what she said. I was also curious in terms of using it for contractor positions.